Sunday 12 April 2020

Not the Easter we planned

We had such big plans for Easter this year. A big procession of witness through the town on Good Friday, with one of our bishops, and featuring several parts of the Passion story in costume drama. We had been planning this for months. Still, nothing wasted - it will keep till next year! Big thanks to all who had been working so hard on this.

Then today we would have begun with a dawn service on the field, down by the river in town, around a massive cross we would have planted at the end of the procession. Then, after worship in our several churches, there was going to be a Festival of Faith, including baptism and confirmation with the bishop returning to Cockermouth. Alas, for the several candidates, that will have to wait a few more weeks. Like lots of other things.

So the weekend has been remarkably quiet, though there has been some preparation to do: I did (twice) a live Communion service on Zoom this morning from our living room. We had over 20 at the dawn service - when we would have been on the field. And more than that later in the morning. So joyful worship - apart - with a strong sense of our unity in the risen Christ.

We have still managed to erect a cross in the town; and also here in Broughton (see below): done, of course, as part of someone's daily exercise!

Church buildings were empty today - but as someone has pointed out, so was the tomb on the first Easter Day. It doesn't mean nothing was happening. Jesus was out and about, heading for Galilee, where most of his mission took place. He was going to meet his friends there. Just so, the church wasn't inactive either. All day, I have been hearing and reading things about what different churches up and down the country have been doing to celebrate Easter. There have been many 'meetings'. My guess is that more people have been participating than would have been in a church service anyway!

I hope yours has been a good Easter Day. Happy Easter. And may the joy of this day carry forward to another 'day of resurrection' tomorrow!

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