Saturday 15 April 2017

The Uprising Begins

It's Easter Eve. It's been a tiring week, and we have an early (6.30am) start tomorrow. We have been focussing on the royalty of Jesus - a kingship and a kingdom not from this world. As international tensions increase, a massive bomb is dropped on Afghanistan, there couldn't be a more poignant moment to remind ourselves that it is through mercy and sacrifice that the world is won.

Yesterday, we had a Walk of Witness through the town. It is something that Churches Together here have done for several years, but this year there was a new development. Taking 10 'Stations of the Cross', we connected them with different parts of the town as the Walk wended its way, with 'Jesus' carrying his cross. Our aims were to unite together around the suffering and death of Jesus; and to make the most of the opportunity to 'tell the story' to our neighbours.

At each station, a different church group offered their own interpretation of the scene. Here are some photos of the day.
Peter's Denial
                                                Clowns demonstrate the theme of mockery
 Riverside Walk
 Along Main Street

Gathering on the Memorial Field overlooking the town.

We were delighted that, at the gathering for worship at the URC on Main Street, over 120 Christians from different churches were present. We hope for a similar number on the field in the morning to celebrate Easter!

So to the Day of days tomorrow. The day that changes everything. Our writer, Brian McLaren says this: It's not just that Jesus was resurrected. It feels like we have arisen too. We were in the tomb of defeat and despair. But now - look at us! We're truly alive again. So might have spoken the first disciples. And so might we?

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